Thursday, September 27, 2007

Trinity Church and Hancock Tower - Copley Sq.

Walking into Copley Sq., the first thing I noticed was the reflection on the John Hancock Tower. One would think that the tower would be overpowering and oppressive on a site of such smaller and older buildings. I felt the exact opposite. It seemed to me that because of how reflective the tower is, it almost seemed like it wasn't even there. It's as if you could see right through the tower, looking at the rest of the buildings that fit into the fabric of the city. It almost kept me from looking up at the tower, and in fact, I didn't look up at the tower until I walked around the entire site. The reflections seem to keep your attention down within the square. There is also a section of the tower that does fit into the fabric, that extends out of the diagonal shape. With that section of the tower and the materials chosen for the tower, I feel that the designer was successful in keeping the importance of the site and the focus not on the tower as one may seem.

1 comment:

Manuel Delgado said...

Brandon, your sketches are above average, my recommendation is to pay more attention to the line weight and the border between black and white spaces. The photos are accurate and the descriptions are good, but you need to be able to describe the situations that you observe in more technical terms.

Manuel Delgado