Thursday, September 20, 2007

Boston Public Gardens - Commonwealth Ave.

While being in this space, I got a feeling of separation from the city. The public garden was surrounded by trees and only revealing the city in the far distance. While on the walkway on Commonwealth Ave., the separation seems endless as it goes on farther than I could see down that central axis. Now, to either side of Comm. Ave., there are those row-houses that fit into the fabric of the city. But looking closer, there are certain high points that show some sort of importance to that building and that part of the neighborhood.

Also, although the walkway on Comm. Ave. and the public garden seem separated from each other, looking closer you can see that they actually are connected by the statues that are placed rigidly every so many feet along the central axis. This area in the city of Boston seems like it is a place that everyone really enjoys. With people walking or jogging everywhere, tours going on, and people just relaxing on benches and enjoying the urban escape, the public garden and walkway of Comm. Ave. seems to be an important part of people's everyday lives.

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