Saturday, December 15, 2007

Adam Sq.

Roslindale’s Adam Sq. was placed in the center of a very communal area. Many of the people that inhabit this historic village outside of Boston are able to enjoy its presence. Looking down the hill, the park leads to what looks like a very important area of the village, with its church and much larger scale buildings. Just up the hill, the park leads to an area of small scale shops. Just beyond the shops begin the residential neighborhoods of Roslindale Village. The park acts as the connection between small scale shops and residential neighborhoods to the larger scale, more important buildings of the village. This explains why many people are found in the park or around the park throughout the day. Looking at the section of the site, one could relate the site to an auditorium space. The park itself would be the seating, as it slopes down the hill to the stage, which would be the more historic part of Roslindale Village.

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