Saturday, October 6, 2007

Christian Science Center

Walking into the site, I recognized the importance of the center building. Both buildings, to the front and to the side are very orthogonal and because of this, very directional. But looking at the central building and its semi-circular entrance, large dome, and smaller domes sitting on the polygonal wings of the building, a sense of direction did not come to me.

It kept my attention focused solely on that building and how it sits in the site. Looking further at the site and the openness to the side, I felt a sort of direction toward the pool on the side. This focuses most of the attention on the central building and its relationship with large reflecting pool. Another thing I noticed, was that if you stood looking at the corner of the central building where it is open to the front and to the side where the pool is, the pool on the side and the large area of grass almost create an axis of symmetry at that corner.

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